How Much Formula Should 8lb 6 Week Old Baby Eat

If you're bottle-feeding it can exist confusing trying to piece of work out how much formula milk your baby needs every 24-hour interval. And there's no single respond. It depends on your baby's age, weight, and whether you're feeding them only formula, or giving it alongside breastmilk or solid foods. The right amount of formula for a newborn is unlike if you're breastfeeding as well and different again to how much formula a six-calendar month-old needs.

Formula-feeding: how will I know when my baby is hungry?

Your formula-fed infant's appetite will vary from day to day and month to month, and then try to let them set the pace. Your babe volition feed as ofttimes equally they need to, as long as you learn to spot their cues and answer to them.

When your baby's hungry, they may start rooting, which means they will plough their head and open up their rima oris towards your chest (NHS 2019a). Yous may too notice your infant making sucking motions and bringing their hands to their mouth (NHS 2019a).

These are your babe's hungry signs or feeding cues. Crying is a belatedly sign of hunger and information technology can make feeding more difficult for both of you. So always try to feed your baby before they cry (NHS 2019a, PHA 2019).

Information technology may accept time before y'all're aware of all your baby'due south feeding cues. This is completely normal, so try not to worry if you miss them at first. Once you get to know your baby'southward cues, you can respond to them quicker, making feeding much easier for both of you lot.

When you're feeding your baby, keep a scout for signs that they've had enough, such as slowing down or resting. These pauses requite your baby fourth dimension to feel whether or not they're full.

Bonding and bottle-feeding

Discover how to bond with your baby while feeding formula or expressed breastmilk.More baby videos

How much infant formula should I give my baby based on their body weight?

There's a rough guide based on your baby'due south trunk weight that you can utilize to piece of work out how much formula to give. This merely applies though if you don't breastfeed equally well equally canteen-feed and your baby isn't eating solid foods still.

Nearly full-term babies need betwixt 150ml and 200ml of formula per kilogram of their body weight every day (BNFC 2020, NHS 2019a). Then, if your baby weighs 3kg, they'll probably need between 450ml and 600ml of formula over a 24-hour period to satisfy their hunger. However, they may desire less than this in the first calendar week or and then, as they will just accept a tiny tummy (Crawley and Westland 2020, NHS2019a).

These measurements are a rule of thumb. Just equally your appetite varies with each meal, your babe isn't going to take exactly the same amount at each feed (NHS2019a). So don't force your baby to stop a canteen, even if there is merely a piffling bit left (Crawley and Westland 2020, NHS 2018).

If your baby has been prescribed a specialised formula, check with your GP or health visitor on how much you should offer each day (NHS 2018).

How will formula feeding change as my baby grows?

How much formula your infant needs depends not only on their weight, but also on their age. As a rule of thumb though, here'south a rough guide to help you lot piece of work out how much to give your baby:

  • During the get-go couple of weeks, try giving your baby between 60ml and 70ml at each feed, with around seven to eight feeds in a 24-hour period (Crawley and Westland 2020). They won't exist able to manage much more this in one go.
  • From around two weeks to ii months, your babe will probably want betwixt 75ml and 105ml at each feed, with around six to seven feeds in 24 hours (Crawley and Westland 2020). They'll take anywhere from 450ml to 735ml in one 24-hour interval (Crawley and Westland 2020). You'll before long sense if your infant needs more, as they'll terminate their feed apace and then expect around for second helpings!
  • When your baby's between two months and half-dozen months, they may desire between 105ml and 210ml at a feed, with five to six feeds in 24 hours (Crawley and Westland 2020).
  • One time your baby reaches six months, they may desire between 210ml and 240ml at a feed, with around four feeds in 24 hours (Crawley and Westland 2020). Their total formula intake may be effectually 900ml to 1000ml a day (Crawley and Westland 2020).
  • When you start giving your infant solids, their daily intake of formula milk is likely to gradually decrease (Crawley and Westland 2020).
  • Formula-feeding and solid foods at six months

    When yous innovate your babe to solids at about six months, they won't be eating a broad enough diverseness of foods to requite them all the nutrients they demand. And then it's of import to carry on giving your baby formula milk until they are a year old (NHS nd).

    From vi months, information technology'due south best to besides give your baby a vitamin supplement, particularly if they're drinking less than 500ml of formula per day (BNF 2019). Once your babe is fully established on solids, they'll need about 600ml of formula every solar day alongside a varied diet (Crawley and Westland 2020). You lot may similar to offering a feed at breakfast, dejeuner, dinner and just before bedtime. Yous tin cut out 1 of these feeds one time your baby is effectually 10 months or so (Crawley and Westland 2020). However, all babies are different. Try not to worry if your little ane doesn't want this amount of milk. Yous can always offer milky foods made from formula from six months instead, as function of a counterbalanced nutrition. This could include custard, cheese sauce, rice pudding and natural yoghurt (NHS nd).

    When tin can I swap from formula milk to cow's milk?

    Later your baby'southward beginning birthday, they can motility from drinking formula to full-fat cow's milk (Crawley and Westland 2020). Offering your babe around 350ml to 400ml of full-fatty cow's milk every day (Crawley and Westland 2020). This can be with meals, as a bedtime drinkable, or with cereal.

    Bear in mind that these are only crude guidelines, and your baby will let yous know if they're getting too much or also little milk. If you're not sure, talk to your health company.

    Visit our community

    What's the best way to store formula? How tin you manage feeds when out and about? Get tips and advice from other canteen-feeding parents in our friendly BabyCentre community.


BNF 2019. BNF Fast Facts: Vitamin and mineral supplements. British Diet Foundation. [pdf file, accessed September 2020]

BNF 2020. Enteral nutrition. British Nutrition Foundation. [Accessed September 2020]

Crawley. C, Westland Southward. 2020. Infant milks: A elementary guide to babe formula, follow-on formula and other infant milks. Starting time Steps Nutrition Trust. [pdf file, accessed September 2020]

NHS 2018. Bottle feeding advice. [Accessed September 2020]

NHS 2019a. Formula milk: common questions. [Accessed September 2020]

NHS nd What to feed your baby: ten-12 months. Start4Life. www.nhs.united kingdom [Accessed September 2020]

PHA. 2019. Bottlefeeding. Public Health Agency. www.publichealth.hscni.cyberspace [PDF accessed September 2020]

Lorna Marsh

Lorna Marsh is senior editor at BabyCentre. She has more than than 20 years' journalism and editing experience, including working for the NHS.


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