Funny Depressing Miraculous Ladybug Annoying Puns
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Season 1
Stormy Weather
- Marinette's idea of "casually walking" by Adrien is stiffly and awkwardly moving in front of Alya and Manon... behind Adrien, where he can't see her anyway.
- Heck, Alya in general involving Marinette and her crush on Adrien in the episode. For example, her response to Adrien waving at Marinette and Marinette in complete glee over it?
Alya: [in a deadpan voice] Yeah, I saw it too. Pretty normal, since we're in the same class.
[Alya proceeds to wordlessly smack Marinette's still waving hand down with the same deadpan expression] - Marinette's "plan" to ask Adrien out after his photo shoot, in which she promptly skips ahead to mull over what kind of pet they will have whilst living happily ever after. Thinks Like a Romance Novel doesn't even cover it. Afterward, Alya simply tells her to start with "happened to be walking by" and then try to ask him out for smoothies while Manon just looks plain puzzled.
- Cat Noir attempts to talk Stormy Weather out of terrorizing, complete with horrible puns. Cue Flat "What" face from Stormy Weather as she nonchalantly sends him flying a good couple blocks away and causing him to pinball off of some cars (complete with matching sound effects) in the process. The Grumpy Cat face he makes afterward doesn't help.
- Really, it's the face she makes while doing so. It looks like she's having the mother of all lame pun reactions!
- Cat Noir has night vision. Ladybug does not, so he ends up leading her by the hand when Stormy Weather causes the lights to go out in the TV building, to her displeasure.
Ladybug: Okay, that's enough! I think I can manage to—
Cat Noir: Duck!
[Stormy Weather tosses a fire extinguisher at Ladybug, which nearly hits her on the head]
Ladybug: ...Follow your lead on this one! - Almost immediately after the above, Ladybug attempts to talk back to Stormy Weather...only to realize Cat Noir is still holding her hand. She proceeds to give him an annoyed look while he sheepishly laughs before removing her hand on her own and finishing her original line.
- As soon as the Villain of the Week attacks Adrien knows he has to transform, but when he runs to his bag, Plagg is not there.
Adrien: Plagg? Plagg?
Plagg: (muffled and off-screen) I'm not here, I'm sleeping.
[Adrien pulls out a piece of Camembert and Plagg zips out from the case he was in.]
Plagg: Just so you know, I can smell Camembert in my sleep.
The Bubbler
- Near the beginning of the episode, Chloé realizes she forgot Adrien's birthday and orders Sabrina to order something for her as a present to him. At school the next day, Chloé is heard yelling at Sabrina because the present won't arrive for another week; no adults were around to deliver it on such short notice thanks to the Bubbler.
- After they were kidnapped by the Bubbler to celebrate Adrien's birthday party, Adrien's friends were all sad and scared... Except Chloé, who convinced Bubbler to play a slow dance (the first in Adrien's life) just to have it with the birthday boy.
- Followed immediately by Ladybug expending her Lucky Charm just to change the music and interrupt the slow dance.
- While trapped in a bubble by the Bubbler, Ladybug asks Cat Noir about using Cataclysm on the bubble, which Cat Noir isn't enthusiastic about. Ladybug responds that they can't stay stuck in the bubble forever. After briefly thinking it over, Cat Noir grins and wags his eyebrows at her, earning a Face Palm and groan from Ladybug.
- When Ladybug and Cat Noir are falling from a great height:
Ladybug: Should we see if you land on your feet this time?
Cat Noir: No thanks!
- Marinette attempts to invite Adrien to the movies via phone. Immediately following her hanging up (or so she thinks) after horribly failing to leave a proper voicemail comes this gem. It's even funnier watching the actual scene because of Marinette's gestures with it.
Marinette: [to Alya] What? What did you expect me to say? "Hey, hot stuff, this is Marinette. I'd ask you on a date to the movie, but I've got such a crazy crush on you that the only way I can talk to you without foaming at the mouth is over this stupid phone." Pretty ridiculous, right?
- Marinette somehow has a chart detailing Adrien's daily activities on the entire year. This can't just be ignored.
- When Adrien returns home and realizes his phone is missing, he proceeds to glare at Plagg.
Plagg: What are you looking at me for? I didn't eat it. I swear!
- Another translation had him saying 'Why are you looking at me? I don't eat phones!'
- After being forced to steal Adrien's phone in order to delete the embarrassing voicemail she left, Adrien attempts to use his home phone to call his cellphone. Cue Marinette completely freaking out that he'll find out she stole it, she'll be arrested and have to spent the rest of her life in jail and worst of all, she'll never get to go to the movies with Adrien. Complete with a manga panel styled Imagine Spot of the scenes that just make the entire thing more hilarious.
- Copycat's line while stealing the Mona Lisa?
- In the news report Adrien watches to learn about Copycat's robbery, the photo they use of Cat Noir is one of him smiling and flashing a peace sign. The news caption being Oh la la! (roughly translated meaning Oh dear!) and not really matching the seriousness of the scene makes it hilarious regardless of the context.
- Funnier still, in that entire news report, Adrien is most offended by the cat pun.
- Marinette tries to break into Adrien's phone... by using a cotton swab, gloves and even protection goggles.
- After the theft of the Mona Lisa, the real Cat Noir goes to the Louvre to investigate, gets locked up and chased by police. How does he escape the chase? By jumping down into the subway and transforming back. Right as he goes down the stairs, several cop cars crash into each other at the entrance and the next frame shows Adrien casually walking out another stairwell and casually whistling. Guess Cat should be thankful Ladybug wants to keep their civilian forms secret.
- Even though they've been happily married for twenty years, Tom is still nervous about his anniversary lunch with Sabine. Highlights include him asking Marinette if he should shave his mustache and sprinting out of the room when he realizes he's forgotten to take off his apron.
- Marinette responds to Alya's phone call reminding her about Alix and Kim's bet with complete calm and confidence...then hangs up and immediately goes into panic mode.
- Kim saying his neck is bigger than Alix's thigh.
- Max pushing Alix and Kim aside to make way for himself as he explains the rules of the race.
- Hawk Moth's reaction to seeing an already-akumatized Alix and another Alix who is upset about her broken watch.
- Thanks to the villain's ability to time travel, there are two Ladybugs. Cat Noir absolutely loves seeing two Ladybugs, stating that he's in heaven.
Mr. Pigeon
- After Adrien approaches Alya and Marinette to compliment Marinette's sketches, Marinette falls over off screen with a scream of shock in a not subtle way. What makes it funnier is that Adrien doesn't appear to notice Marinette's reaction to his presence.
- Alya's reaction when Marinette is struggling to talk to Adrien after he compliments her designs and ends up fumbling (as usual), causing Alya to practically motion "abort mission!" before the poor girl embarrasses herself further. Adrien's perplexed expression at the same time as Alya's reaction is also worth a chuckle.
- During the news report on Mr. Pigeon, on the news caption, it says RROOO ROLOOOO!
- Ladybug meets up with Cat Noir on a rooftop, with the latter laying on his side at the very top when the scene pans to him... before his allergy to feathers causes him to sneeze and nearly roll off the roof.
- Cat Noir showing off his dance moves while he and Ladybug are trying to get the villain to come to them. Recognizable moves include the Moonwalk, Running Man, and Gangnam Style.
- What Makes his dancing funnier is how out-of-nowhere it is from the rest of the episode since nothing in the scene provoked Cat to do such. Well, nothing besides boredom at least.
- After using Cataclysm to break out of the cage, Cat Noir tells Ladybug he has to get out before his secret identity is revealed. Ladybug's response?
Ladybug: Yeah, you wouldn't want to let the cat out of the bag.
Cat Noir: Ha, ha. Very funny. - The mayor stops them to talk to them, and Cat Noir starts freaking out and doing the pee-pee dance because he's running out of time. Ladybug just stares at him with a shit-eating grin. Afterwards, she gives a rather funny shrug to the mayor when her partner asks for Camembert right as he leaves.
- The ending. Marinette has won the derby contest, and Adrien will model her hat...except she put a pigeon feather in her entry as a decoration, and Adrien's allergic. The ending card has Marinette and Alya cheering in the background, with Adrien looking miserable in the foreground.
Lady Wifi
- Chloé playing in a Ladybug costume and failing miserably.
- As soon as Lady Wifi exposes "Ladybug" as Chloé the real Ladybug shows up. Lady Wifi is more than a little bit perplexed.
- Lady Wifi attempts to unmask Ladybug... only to find out that the mask won't come off. Ladybug seems just as confused as she is.
Lady Wifi: Why won't it come off!?
Ladybug: Um, it's...magic? - After seeing Lady Wifi's first broadcast where she froze the principal, the teacher tells the class to go home for their safety... and reminds them to read chapters 4 and 5 for homework tonight.
- When Cat Noir covers the camera set up by Lady Wifi, he flashes an incredibly goofy smile into it while doing so.
The Pharaoh
- How did Alya get the textbook in the first place? We see in the beginning of the episode from a video clip that Ladybug dropped the book while hanging onto a helicopter in view of Alya recording.
- Where in the name of all get out was she carrying that thing, anyway? Hammerspace?
- Alya wasn't afraid that she was being kidnapped by an Akuma at all. In fact, she was extremely excited to get a close up to the case and even interviewed the Pharaoh. She only panicked once it was revealed that she was the sacrifice.
- After Cat Noir shows up to fight the Pharaoh, he charges at him... only for the Pharaoh to grab him by the face and toss him into the sarcophagus and trapping him inside it. Ladybug is forced to pry him out, which is also funny to watch.
- Alya towards the end of the episode. After getting kidnapped to be used as a human sacrifice, Alya gets offended when Ladybug barters herself as a better sacrifice and the Pharaoh decides Alya isn't worthy of being the sacrifice anymore. Her reaction after being literally tossed aside sells it:
- Alya asks Ladybug how old she really is. She answers, "Much older than a high school student", and swings off. Cat Noir then asks Alya if she wants to know his age, to which she responds, "In a sec, looks like I'll be able to tell for myself." Cat Noir realizes that his ring is about to time out, and his identity would be revealed, so he runs off like a bat out of Hell in the most un-heroic way possible..
- Plagg in general in this episode. He ruins everything.
- The animation of Marinette tripping is good for a chuckle. She slips on Chloé's overturned purse, falls backwards and launches a trayful of croissants into the air. Then the croissants fall on top of her.
- There's a truly hilarious throwaway line from Adrien when Plagg claims innocence on account of thinking the bracelet was cheese...
Adrien: That's what you said about my toilet paper last week.
- The Machine Monotone delivery of Rogercop's lines makes much of his dialogue amusing. Highlights include his triumphant laughter after the mayor agrees to give up his power and his Big "NO!" when Ladybug finally gets her hands on the possessed object.
Rogercop: So much for your powers. Ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. Ha.
- When his transformation is about to run out, Cat Noir says he has to leave or Ladybug will see him without mask, and she would never resist his charm. Neither him nor Ladybug have any idea how right he is...
The Evillustrator
- A blink-and-you'll miss-it-moment: Nathanael's daydream is interrupted when the teacher yells his name. When she does, just before the scene goes to real-life, "Super-Nathan" has an expression on his face that screams "What the—?"
- Chloé getting attacked by a giant hairdryer. Also Ladybug fighting it.
- When Cat Noir comes to see Marinette at her home after Evilustrator paid her a visit, Marinette — who knows Cat Noir better than she lets on due to being Ladybug — makes blah, blah, blah gestures behind his back while he speaks, showing clearly that what she thinks of him doesn't change out of costume.
- In the aftermath, Marinette closes her locker door only to find Adrien standing right behind it to ask her what she thinks of Cat Noir. Her reaction is pretty accurate to how startling and unexpected it is. Especially since Marinette's locker is right next to the wall, meaning he had to sneak up behind her just to startle her.
- Marinette agrees with Evillustrator on something:
Marinette: Why did you attack Chloé?
Evillustrator: Because Chloé is cruel and selfish!
Marinette: *beat* Can't argue with that.
Dark Cupid
- Marinette and Alya's reaction when they discover Kim was after Chloé's heart, with Marinette remarking she would have never told him to declare his love for her had she known it. Then Alya makes an unfortunate comment about hoping that Adrien won't react to Marinette's love letter the way Chloé did. Hilarity Ensues.
- Dark Cupid hits a man in a suit carrying flowers on Valentine's Day, probably to give them to someone, with one of his hate-inducing arrows. The man then proceeds to weirdly beat the flowers against the stone handrail nearby, cursing "Stupid flowers!" Maybe he just bought the flowers because he liked them considering his display of hatred was more toward the flowers instead of a person?
- There's something inherently hilarious of how smoothly Ladybug decides to invoke True Love's Kiss, followed by a brainwashed Cat Noir becoming so scared of this suddenly affectionate girl. He's literally running on all fours to get away!
- Nothing beats Hawk Moth's melodramatic break down at the end.
Hawk Moth: Curse you, Ladybug! CURSE VALENTINE'S DAY!
- Chloé demanding Sabrina push her signed poster in a particular heartbroken fangirl's face because 'she's not crying hard enough' (which works). While Chloé is thoroughly nasty, that moment is just far enough over the top to be funny.
- After Alya is shot by Dark Cupid, she sticks a pair of candy apples to Marinette's shirt before running off. Marinette's next words are punctuated by grunts of effort as she struggles to remove them.
Marinette: This is...not...good!
- Marinette's reaction when she discovers Adrien has a kiss scene. Especially because Chloé was trying to take over the heroine's role...
- Rose and Juleka own this episode in terms of funny. From Juleka thinking that the whole thing is awesome to Rose's complete obliviousness.
Rose: [as everyone is running out to investigate terrified screaming] A fruity snack for the road?
- Even better: Juleka turns out to be such a Nightmare Fetishist Horrificator's attempt to scare actually ends up decreasing the monster in size.
- Chloé taking Adrien's fruit juice without so much as a glance. His face is pretty priceless.
- Speaking of priceless Adrien faces, when Nino gets after Marinette for them not having a lead again because she sent Chloé away, he perks up.
- Horrificator being defeated when Ladybug has the class sing Mylène's rather 'peculiar' anti-fear song. The others have faces saying "this is weird but can't make things worse, let's do it" when they hear Ladybug's plan...
- Nino filmed as much as he could and used the Horrificator as the monster in the movie the class was making. The mayor rejected the movie from the contest on grounds that the monster is "unrealistic and totally fake".
- When Adrien slips away to transform, his excuse is that he needs his character's jacket for the next scene. As if it's not bad enough that no one questions his priorities, no one notices that (as far as we've seen) his character doesn't have a jacket, or indeed any other costume besides Adrien's regular clothes.
- Chloé decides she's better off leaving the others behind and hiding in a room with Sabrina by blocking the door... only to find out too late Horrificator is standing in the same room.
- Tikki getting trapped in the box.
- Nadja and her cameraman's faces as they see D'Argencourt become Darkblade.
- And after this, instead of running for the hills like any sensible person would, Nadja attempts to interview the new supervillain. Unsurprisingly, she and her cameraman quickly become the first conscripts in Darkblade's army.
- Jagged Stone thinks the fight outside are "sounds of crazy fans" even after seeing Cat Noir fighting several sets of armor. When Darkblade takes notice of him, Jagged Stone pleasantly answers "Guys, guys, I know you love me, but no reason to fight over it".
- This exchange:
Darkblade: Henceforth, my flag shalt fly over thy kingdom! Bourgeois! Pathetic knave! Come hither and do battle!
Mr. Bourgeois: What did he say?
Alya: Basically, he's gonna bust you up.
Mr. Bourgeois: Ehh... Ask my secretary for an appointment! - Marinette explains her absence by telling she was transformed into a knight. Then Adrien rushes by explaining "So did I! What a knight-mare!"
- Which is also adorable in its own way, since Adrien wouldn't normally make puns, so that was a little Cat Noir peeking through.
- While Marinette and the students are barricading the door, we briefly cut to two of Darkblade's minions using a third as a battering ram.
- Darkblade's attempts to catapult his minions onto the roof go… less than perfectly.
Cat Noir: Why are they going on the roof? (Knight crashes into wall.) Well, most of them.
The Mime
- Alya goes on full Adorkable mode after having an interview with Ladybug.
Alya: Ladybug knows me! My blog! She thinks it's awesome! Awesome! Awesooome!
- Ladybug proves that it's not what you say, but how you say it when she needs to make the Mime even angrier than he already is to use her Lucky Charm. Cat Noir is understandably concerned.
Cat Noir: You don't think he's angry enough?- This is immediately followed by Ladybug reassuring Cat that he's good at being annoying. Cat acts insulted for all of two seconds before he cheerfully admits that she's right.
- Marinette's grin when she realizes Adrien is going to be seated next to her during the show. Alya notices it too and quickly realizes that trying to talk to Marinette right now would be pointless.
Kung Food
- After sending Adrien over, both giving Marinette a translator so she can communicate with her Chinese uncle and allowing her to spend time with her crush, Alya sends her a text reading "You owe me 20,000 Croissants now!"
- Cat Noir's reaction to facing a seafood-based opponent implies that he has puns queued up for any occasion.
- Ladybug's Aside Glance after Cat Noir's crappy seafood pun.
- Cat Noir flirting with Ladybug while they're in an elevator, between battles.
- A very brief moment but when Kung Food sends Jagged Stone after the duo, the singer leaves doing the Naruto Run.
- The fact that the akumatized verison of Marinette's uncle is dressed like a goofy version of Goku is enough to make any DBZ fan burst out laughing.
The Gamer
- Chloé questions why someone would spend so much time in front of the screen and Sabrina agrees with her. Not a couple seconds later, they immediately go check their smartphones.
- Marinette has an Oh, Crap! moment when she realizes that Adrien is coming to her home to practice for the tournament... while her room is filled with photos and magazine clippings of Adrien. Tikki tells it's not like that he'll be coming this very minute. One doorbell ringing later, Marinette and Tikki panic and quickly rush to take down and hide the photos in the room.
- Later, Tikki quietly motions that Marinette forgot to hide a framed photo of Adrien on her desk. Before Adrien is able to notice it, Marinette proceeds to smack it down and toss it behind her back. If you listen, you can hear the glass breaking.
- This exchange.
Marinette: Sometimes my parents can be a little nosy.
[Tom and Sabine in the background open the hatch door to Marinette's room watching them play; Marinette notices, and looks at them before they quickly close it; Adrien looks, only for Marinette to sheepishly smile as if nothing happened] - Adrien looks extremely happy whenever Tom brought in food for him and Marinette, only to see them taken away before he manages to get any because Marinette kept insisting that they should focus on training. The boy's sad faces are just priceless. By the third time, Adrien has gotten wise and interrupts her by suggesting they take a break. He then devours his piece of pie in one single bite.
- Ladybug and Cat get their own mecha, and immediately start bickering over who gets to pilot it.
- Marinette and Cat Noir's interactions after he rescues her, which is chronologically their third interaction. She doesn't even pretend she doesn't know him this time around, speaking to him like Ladybug would. Cat Noir reassures her about Adrien and then leaves the conversation thusly: "Arch, leap, and do a barrel roll!"
- During the mecha battle, Ladybug and Cat Noir's mecha suddenly starts using pun-based versions of Ryu and Zangief's moves, with Gamer replying with M. Bison's Psycho Crusher.
- Nino concerning his crush on Marinette, resulting in him basically freezing in front of her and Alya while Adrien has to set up the zoo date himself. Then having to leave via Adrien dragging him by the collar. Let's just say he makes Marinette seem confident in front of Adrien normally in comparison.
- Marinette and Nino's entire interaction, in part because of third (and fourth) party involvement from Alya and Adrien relaying lines to them through earpieces.
- Kim mocking the panther at the zoo and challenging it to a race. Sure, it leads to the zookeeper getting akumatized and chasing after him, but that scene was pretty much priceless.
- What happened the last time Alya gave Marinette the advice to be herself: she went into the boy's bathroom while Adrien was there... with other guys. She runs out shortly after being yelled at. Adrien and Kim give some very confused looks of what the heck just occurred.
Alya: Fine... Just be yourself, and watch where you're going.
- Tikki's almost bordering Deadpan Snarker comment about how Adrien could be the love of Marinette's life when she can't even talk to him.
- The reactions to Nino saying he has a crush on Alya (he meant to say on "you" a.k.a. Marinette but pivoted at the last second into saying "your best friend Alya"). Adrien is just shocked and confused at him going off-script, Marinette is overjoyed, and even wants to help set up a date with them, while Alya, on the other hand, is not amused at all at the notion. All expressed by a simultaneous Big "WHAT?!". This becomes especially hilarious considering what happens at the end of the episode.
The Puppeteer
- Ladybug manages to trick Lady Wifi into "pausing" the Puppeteer and depowering all her dolls. Then she just nonchalantly walks up to the Puppeteer, whistling, as she breaks the akuma vessel.
- Hawk Moth's reaction: he shouts "No! This can't be happening!"... after about a minute, implying he was stunned speechless by what had just happened.
- Marinette not being able to resist Manon's Puppy-Dog Eyes. Even Tikki teases her.
- A cross between this and potential heartwarming, but the opening with Marinette playing with Manon. She's obviously poking fun at Cat Noir as she's playing, but she also laughs at a terrible cat pun, implying she actually does find the real Cat Noir's jokes amusing.
Guitar Villain
- Right after finding out Adrien is a fan of Jagged Stone, Marinette tells Tikki she's determined to make the cover look right in her own style. In the background, Adrien's chauffeur grunts and looks, since she looks like she's talking to herself, Marinette quickly waves it off as a talking bag imported from Japan. This is especially notable because said chauffeur is pretty much The Stoic.
- Just before he's akumaized, Jagged Stone gets angry over XY's remarks about him being a dinosaur. What does he do in response? Crack the tablet screen hard enough to break it, toss it to his gator pet to eat and....then play a sick riff on his guitar to blow off steam.
- When planning to evilize Jagged, Hawk Moth tells his akuma to "Go find that Jagged Stone and rock his world!" Minutes later, Cat Noir confronts Guitar Villain and yells "C'mon, why don't you try to rock my world!" Besides the Accidental Innuendo, there's the fact that Adrien and Gabriel made the same dumb joke.
- As the Akuma flies into Jagged's hotel room, it passes by Fang who's lounging on one of the couch backs. As the Akuma passes Fang, he tries to EAT IT!!
- During their first fight with Guitar Villain, Ladybug and Cat Noir pull off a Fastball Special in an attempt to bring down his dragon. Cat Noir falls from the sky and wall jumps before grabbing his staff in mid-air... and then slams face first into a traffic light. To add to it, Ladybug runs up to him with her hands over her mouth, and she's clearly trying not to laugh before she lets out a giggle.
- During the ending, Adrien walks up to speak to Marinette. She tries to lean casually against a banister, but Marinette being Marinette misses it completely and flails her arms desperately to regain her balance while making an awkward squeak. The best part? Adrien clearly keeps his eyes on her even as she falls and bounces right back up, but he not only doesn't comment, he keeps talking throughout the whole thing!
- This screenshot
◊ basically sums up everything we need to know about the dynamic between Marinette, Adrien, and Alya.
- This screenshot
- When Cat Noir complains about the high heels he is forced to wear after he is transformed to look like Reflekta.
- Cat acting like his usual mischievous self while looking like Reflekta. Ladybug even starts giggling when he makes a pun.
Cat Noir: Am I still the cat's meow or what?
- Or when Ladybug has to carry him to the roof and jokingly says "watch your nails!"
- Juleka got Akumatized over her belief that she's cursed so her face is always covered in photos. Ladybug defeats Reflekta by summoning a camera with Lucky Charm and snapping dozens of close-up photos of her in order to blind her with the flash.
- The moment where Miss Bustier is explaining the class is having a work-experience field trip...while in the background, Alix and Ivan are having a pillow fight. When she realizes this, she makes a point to mention that how they perform will effect the grade they get and if they pass the class or not, causing them both to sheepishly get back to work.
- After getting her arm pixelated, rendering it intangible, Ladybug keeps trying to do actions which require a solid arm. This comes to a head when she tries to use the touch screen in her yo-yo, forcing her to push the buttons with her nose and chin. The look of irritation she has really sells it.
- The look of frustration on her face when her leg is also pixelated, forcing her to crawl along the ground is also pretty funny.
- A mother and her daughter catch Marinette talking with Tikki. After a Beat, Tikki does a lame "meow" to pass herself off as a cat.
- Adrien's awkward expression when Chloé realizes they're alone in the Prison Dimension.
- Right after Pixelator releases some of his victims, we cut to Nino looking through his math textbook back at the hotel desk front. The moment Adrien and Chloé reappear from seemingly thin air, he freaks out and proceeds to fall onto the floor.
- Jagged Stone tells Marinette that Vincent Asa went to all of his concerts, sent him tons of letters, and even followed Jagged's mother to her weekly bingo game. Marinette comments that it sounds very creepy. Jagged's response? "Oh, not really, it's just a bunch of elderly ladies getting together having fun."
- Ladybug's expressions contribute a lot to this, in particular the way she shifts from being creeped out by Vincent to "Wait, that's seriously what he thought I was talking about?"
- Cat Noir's expression when he's sent back to the Prison Dimension.
- When Jagged Stone decides to give himself up to Pixelator, he delays his fate by, in true prima donna fashion, being undecided over what pose he wants to hold for the camera.
Simon Says
- Cat Noir complaining about how his karate teacher misled him, and how he's going to quit karate.
- The adorably awkward meeting between Adrien and Ladybug. Adrien clearly can't keep his eyes off her, even casually pushing Nino aside to talk to her face-to-mask.
- When Adrien takes Nino to his room, he heads to the bathroom into order to change into Cat Noir.
Adrien: I'm going to take a shower.
Nino: Right now?
Adrien: What can I say? It's the model in me.
[later, when Ladybug and Nathalie arrive to take Adrien and Nino to safety...]
Ladybug: Where's Adrien?
Nino: Taking a shower.
Ladybug: Right now?!
Nino: It's the model in him. - The entire bathroom scene with Ladybug and Adrien. Even as Ladybug, Marinette can't keep it together around Adrien, so when she thinks he's in the shower naked not five feet in front of her, she massively spazzes out. At one point, she replies to his question of "Can I get dressed first?" with "If you must," before she realizes what she said and does a Verbal Backspace.
- Cat Noir shouting at Gabriel to stop acting like he's above everyone else and needs to go hide is immediately followed by the priceless frozen expression of a boy realizing he just shouted at his parent for the first time ever.
- Simon Says forcing Gabriel Agreste to act first like a butterfly and then like an airplane. Gabriel making airplane noises for the latter is especially hilarious.
- "Flap flap, flutter flutter."
- It becomes Hilarious in Hindsight with The Reveal that Gabriel is Hawk Moth.
- After being freed from Simon Says' hypnosis barely before jumping off the building, the normally serious Gabriel gets shocked and almost comically takes a step back.
- There's something funny about Gabriel's first words to Ladybug, made somehow funnier that he's saying this while being his usual cold, composed self.
Gabriel: I have to apologise for my son, Ladybug. He's like his mother. Way too overly dramatic.
- If you look closely enough, you can see he actually raises his eyes slightly at the 'dramatic' bit.
- Even more Hilarious in Hindsight thanks to the season 2 reveal that Gabriel is actually Hawk Moth, who has a dramatic streak a mile wide.
Princess Fragrance
- Miss Mendeliev's reaction at Rose using perfume in class: she warned the students it was dangerous as it was inflammable, sprayed some of it on a Bunsen burner she covered with glass before igniting, scaring the students with the resulting explosion, and then announced the following day they'd be interrogated on lab safety... Again.
- Cat Noir singing "Cataclysm" is delightfully hammy.
- The contrast between Ali's courteous, mature facade and his occasional bouts of Squee.
- Everything involving Chloé being sprayed with perfume that makes her smell like rotten fish.
- Marinette's increasingly obvious lies about Tikki's species. And Master Fu playing along with it.
- After the World-Healing Wave we find Cat Noir sitting like a cat and licking his "paws" on the banks of the Seine. Not only is it utterly ridiculous to see, it implies Cat just gave up (but didn't de-transform) after the fireworks went off.
- Also, his utter confusion when he snaps out of it.
- Marinette's attempts to get past Chloé's doorman.
- The doorman asks if she's a friend of Chloé's and Marinette's gut response is to laugh it off before choking out a lie. And the doorman's response? "Chloé doesn't have any friends!" When that is the reason you give...
- Then there's her second attempt, as a pizza delivery girl. The doorman buzzes her through, even though he knows she normally gets sushi (and in fact hates pizza). It almost feels like he decided 'eh, I hate her anyways'.
- Plagg's yelp as he gets sucked out of the bin and into the Cat Miraculous is surprisingly giggle-worthy.
- After they manage to steal the Miraculous book, Marinette hands it off to Tikki so she can transform and prove Lila is a liar. Cue Tikki dropping like a stone since the book is far larger than she is.
- Marinette biting down on the Miraculous book like an angry dog to stifle her rage when Lila's lies escalate.
- The pigeon's Oh, Crap! when he's about to be hit by Volpina's fake meteor... And its puzzlement when it disappears on contact.
- It happens again with the illusion of a collapsing building.
- When Ladybug catches her at Adrien's home, Volpina declares that this time she won't ruin their date... And Adrien protests it was not a date. Adrien's embarrassed face, Volpina's outrage and Ladybug's half-amused half-exasperated reaction at him trying to reject her gently sell it.
- Lila and Volpina's faces in general. It's said that Italy is a Country of Ham whose inhabitants speak with their hands and expressions as much as their mouths... And Lila Rossi incarnates this.
Ladybug and Cat Noir – Origins Part 1
- Master Fu is forced to pass off his kwami calling him "Master" as a chant for his massage/acupuncture and shooing the customer out despite the fact that, in the customer's own words, he had just arrived.
- Marinette had no idea who Adrien was before he showed up at her school.
- When Ivan first walks into Principal Damocles's office, the principal makes him leave and come back in because he didn't knock. Seconds after Ivan follows the first half of the instruction, he's akumatized.
Damocles: [impatiently] Well, come on in.
(Stoneheart breaks the door down)
- Adrien is so eager to transform that he doesn't learn how to use his powers properly, leading to a humorous scene where he tries to use his Cataclysm attack twice in a row.
- Just the contrast between how Marinette and Tikki met and how Adrien and Plagg met. Marinette freaks out at Tikki wondering if she's a huge bug or a rat, later calling her a ratbug while she throws things at her. While Plagg starts flying around Adrien's room and biting everything seeing if he can eat it, only stopping when Adrien catches him.
- How Marinette and Adrien end up catching the kwamis is hilarious itself. Marinette traps Tikki in a glass, only for her to comment if that makes her comfortable with her she's fine with it. Meanwhile, Adrien ends up using the rock climbing wall in his room to catch Plagg, whom was currently attempting to eat a TV remote.
- Notably, when Tikki later phases out of the glass in her efforts to stop Marinette from calling her parents, Marinette doesn't even acknowledge it.
- How Marinette and Adrien end up catching the kwamis is hilarious itself. Marinette traps Tikki in a glass, only for her to comment if that makes her comfortable with her she's fine with it. Meanwhile, Adrien ends up using the rock climbing wall in his room to catch Plagg, whom was currently attempting to eat a TV remote.
- While Adrien wonders how he can be a superhero when he can't even leave his own house, Plagg nonchalantly comments that the whole situation will change soon...while casually logrolling some toilet paper all over the floor and having the time of his life.
- Also their first transformation scenes: while Marinette is nervous throughout, Adrien behaves as if he's been doing it his whole life.
- Alya's first meeting with Ladybug. She even asks her if she got her powers by being bitten by a radioactive ladybug... At which point Ladybug gives her name and runs.
Stone Heart – Origins Part 2
- The humor behind Marinette not knowing who Adrien is continues, considering that his father is her favorite designer.
- Miss Bustier takes attendance:
- When the mayor of Paris demands the release of his daughter, Stoneheart just throws her to her doom.
Stoneheart: You know what? You're welcome to her! Huh! [throws Chloé away]
Chloé: Help! I promise I'll be nice to everyone, say please and thank you all—[Ladybug catches her] I didn't promise. - Ladybug agonizing over what she's going to do with her Lucky Charm of the week (a parachute) while Cat Noir gets tossed around like a ragdoll behind her.
- Hawk Moth: "That's the problem with superheroes. They're too...heroic!"
- During the ending scene, Marinette and Adrien share a Held Gaze...and then the umbrella he gave her closes on her.
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